Where there is minimal competition, no award will be given unless the specimen is worthy.
Judging of geese, turkeys and guineas will be done in cages. Chickens, ducks and pigeons should be brought to the table for judging.
A trio is one male and two females of the same age. A pen of three is the same sex and age.
Division A - Large Fowl
1801 Cockerel
1802 Pullet
1803 Trio of young birds
1804 Cock, over one year
1805 Hen, over one year
1806 Trio of birds over one year
Chickens - Breeding Large Fowl
Division D - Bantams
1811 Cockerel
1812 Pullet
1813 Trio of young birds
1814 Cock, over one year
1815 Hen, over one year
1818 Trio of birds over one year
Division B - Egg Production
1807 Three pullets
1808 Three hens, over 14 months of age
Division C - Market Class
1809 Three lightweights-under 5 pounds
1810 Three heavyweights-over 5 pounds
Division E - Turkeys
1821 Male
1822 Female
1823 Breeding pair
1824 Market- one bird under one year old
Division F - Geese
1831 Male
1832 Female
1833 Breeding pair
1834 Market- one bird under one year old
1841 Male
1842 Female
1843 Breeding pair
1844 Market- one bird under one year old
Division G - Ducks
Division H - Pigeons
1851 Male
1852 Female
1853 Breeding pair
1854 Market- one bird under one year old
Division I - Other Domestic Fowl (Guineas, Quail)
1861 Male
1862 Female